What can I get help with? +

You can apply for a bursary from ZAC's Music to help pay for your learning to play a musical instrument, singing or music composing tuition. A bursary typically pays for a year’s worth of part time music classes. In addition to the cost of classes, the bursary can be used to cover the costs of purchasing musical instruments and travel to and from class. The trustees also consider applications from applicants who have a place at an accredited music school / school but cannot afford to take up their place due to financial constraints.

Who should apply for these grants? +

Our bursaries are open to all newcomer young people aged between 10 and 18, regardless of where they live in Northern Ireland and irrespective of sex, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, educational needs, disability and sexual orientation.

You must, however, be able to meet our criteria to be eligible to apply.

How much money will I receive? +

Applicants can apply for up to £1,000 for music/singing/music composition lessons / tuition fees, and up to £200 if the bursary is for an instrument / exam fee and/or travel.

If I am successful, how will I receive the bursary? +

Lesson /Tuition fees will be paid directly to your place of tuition and any other costs incurred, which ZAC's Music has agreed to cover, will be paid on presentation of the appropriate receipts/invoice.

When I apply, what information do I have to provide? +

In the online application form, we will ask you for your contact details, your parent or guardian’s contact details, information about the course you are attending / would like to attend, and what the bursary would be spent on. We ask about your financial circumstances, and for a personal statement from you, telling us what impact a bursary would have on your education. You must also upload supporting documents that evidence what you have told us in the application form – a list of the supporting documents can be found on the Before you apply page of our website. You should upload the supporting documents preferably in .pdf format. If you have to post the supporting documents, they must be COPIES, not originals. We are unable to return any original documents submitted by the applicant.

How long will it take to receive a decision? +

The committee meets approximately every 4 months, so depending on how early you submit your application, it could take up to 3 months to receive a decision. We always aim to give an estimated time frame once you have applied, and we always confirm receipt of an application. Please contact us if you have not heard from us within 2 weeks of applying.

How often can I apply? +

Applicants can apply once every year, and you can apply regardless if you have been successful or unsuccessful in the past. There is no guarantee of a successful application, even if you have been successful previously and your circumstances have not changed.

Will I have to pay back the grant when the course has finished? +

No, the bursaries are not a loan and not subject to repayment. However, bursary recipients must notify the Trustees of any change in their financial circumstances.

How do I find a music teacher in my area? +

Please see our Helpful Links to recommended sites, which will help you find an accredited course in your area

Who decides to award a bursary? +

ZAC's Music’s Bursary sub-committee is responsible for awarding grants and for the evaluation of the impact of our bursary scheme. The committee monitor applications to see if any groups, communities, or regions are underrepresented, with a view to doing more outreach work.

Our bursaries will fund lessons, both instrumental, music composition and singing, taught by teachers who enter pupils for the appropriate accredited exams.