Zuhair Ahmad Chowdhury (ZAC) is the inspiration and soul of this music movement. Let us give you a peek into his world through the eyes of his near and dear ones.
Zuhair had an infectious smile; amazing looks and you never had a dull moment with him around. He was always up to something and constantly pushing the boundaries in everything he did. His passion was in music, played guitar, drums and video games. We all called him ‘Mr Always Right’ as he was not only highly knowledgeable, well-read but could solve any practical problems. This meant he gave plenty of valuable advice yet took none from others. He was very independent in nature and after his graduation he took a year out to travel and work in Australia all by himself. His love for food meant that he cooked and introduced us to lots of new cuisine. He knew all the best restaurants or dishes to try. Under the appearance of a tough and no nonsense exterior he was a very sensitive soul.
He was constantly searching for something new to do and his bohemianism meant he never settled on a mundane way of life. He always wanted to help others and in his short life he gave into causes that improved the lives of those who were less fortunate.
Zuhair showed his tough brotherly love towards me as his younger sibling and taught me many precious life skills. He went to extraordinary lengths to watch the first screening of any new Si-fi movies with me and together we had many moments of laughter at and with each other’s silliness. If he did not like something I did or say his looks were enough to scare me off. With his quick thinking and sharpness, it was near impossible to win an argument with him.
Zuhair was so unique. I knew from the day we met that I would never meet anyone like him again in my life. This is a man with a beautiful face and an even more beautiful soul. He was so private and kept to himself, but so passionate about the things he cared about. As mentioned, he was such an independent and care-free spirit, afraid of nothing. I always admired the way he did what he wanted without caring what anyone thought. One thing of many that he taught me was to care less about what people thought. He was unapologetically himself. And he always knew best! Even if I didn't agree at the time. Clever (in absolutely everything on top of being so beautiful - it really wasn't fair), loving, a true gentleman, kind, caring, funny. He was so funny. We always laughed and laughed and laughed together. He was a fiercely loyal and dedicated partner. I could go on to list all of our memories together. One of my favourite memories, is when he changed his name in my phone to "Auhair" so that he would be first on my contacts list instead of last!
He loved with all of his heart, although so independent and care-free, he really was such a sensitive and gentle soul. I felt and feel his love every day. He always expressed his love freely without holding anything back. When he was far away, with a phone call it always felt like he was right beside me. We joked that we would be in each other's lives forever one way or another, because we could never stay apart for too long. His favourite animals were penguins, which I think is the perfect indicator of who Zuhair was as a person and as a partner, as "when a penguin finds its mate, they stay together forever".