Looking after others is important, but it’s important to look after your own wellbeing too.
We’ve compiled a list of services and organisations who make it their mission to help you or someone you know to feel more like themselves. We strongly encourage you to reach out should you feel out of sorts. It’s never easy, but you don’t have to do it alone.
is a crisis-response helpline service operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you are in distress or despair, you can call Lifeline on 0808 808 8000 and talk to an experienced counsellor in confidence.
A safe space for you to talk: 116 123
If you are a child or young person, you can talk to Childline by phoning: 0800 1111 for free, 24hours a day or online at www.childline.org.uk
NSPCC helpline
Helping adults protect children 0808 800 5000